Dr. Joongi Shin

Hi, I'm a Postdoctoral researcher at Aalto University, supervised by prof. Antti Oulasvirta (User Interface Group) and prof. Andrés Lucero. I received my Ph.D. in Industrial Design from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 2021. I investigate integrating AI in creative activities among human collaborators

Research focus: HCI, reinforcement learning, conversational agents, collaborative ideation, co-design.
Previous studies: Robotic furniture, posture manipulation, collaboration, design tools for users, VR/AR.


Ongoing project

AI facilitators for human-human collaborative ideation

How can AI support collaborative ideation among people? The advancement in AI has enabled creative activities between humans and AI. Building on people's creations, AI can effectively diversify designs, generate alternatives, and even provide experts' knowledge in people's ideation process. As an interactive agent, AI has evolved from a creative tool to an ideation 'partner' and to a 'facilitatior'.

Chatbots Facilitating Consensus-Building in Asynchronous Co-Design

 Joon-Gi Shin, Michael A. Hedderich, Andrés Lucero, Antti Oulasvirta

UIST '22 I4th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology


Consensus-building is an essential process for the success of co-design projects. To build consensus, stakeholders need to discuss conflicting needs and viewpoints, converge their ideas toward shared interests, and grow their willingness to commit to group decisions. However, managing group discussions is challenging in large co-design projects with multiple stakeholders. In this paper, we investigate the interaction design of a chatbot that can mediate consensus-building conversationally. By interacting with individual stakeholders, the chatbot collects ideas to satisfy conflicting needs and engages stakeholders to consider others’ viewpoints, without having stakeholders directly interact with each other. Results from an empirical study in an educational setting (N = 12) suggest that the approach can increase stakeholders’ commitment to group decisions and maintain the effect even on the group decisions that conflict with personal interests. We conclude that chatbots can facilitate consensus-building in small-to-medium-sized projects, but more work is needed to scale up to larger projects.